The Marriage Revolution is Old News
Those predicting the end of traditional marriage are at least 30 years too late argues Stephanie Coontz, author of Marriage, a History: From Obedience to Intimacy, or How Love Conquered Marriage. In a New York Times editorial, Coontz contends that heterosexuals began undermining traditional notions of marriage 200 years ago during the Enlightenment. Married women attained a completely independent legal identity as recently as 30 years ago. Coontz sees these changes as the nose under the tent for advocates of same-sex marriage.
By the way, if you find the registration and log-in process at websites like the New York Times annoying, you should consider switching to the Firefox web browser and installing the BugMeNot FireFox extension. (A version is also available for Internet Explorer, but I haven't tried it.)
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